
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Final confirmations, destinations

USAID contact confirms travel arrangements. Apparently the Isidro Airbase is home to the Dominican Airforce, its unclear which military (US or DR) will be my transport, but it sure beats the 9+ hour bus ride to Haiti. It also allows me a specific drop point as opposed to following the embassy bus route which is currently being dictated by UN peacekeepers. The US Embassy bus is heading to Haiti each day picking up US citizens that need to be repatriated. Citizens can also leave via Port Au Prince via the PAP airport on an outbound military plane.

Map of drop area and where supplies are needed.

I have a confirmed spot on a helicopter tomorrow at 07:30AM, but I get into Santo Domingo tonight around 9:45....so Ill be spending the night at the airport. Im hoping to actually sleep...Ive been running on adrenaline.

I went for a walk outside after being cramped in here for so long and found a Red Cross disaster relief truck sitting outside. I can only imagine their supplies are headed for Haiti.

I found my way to a Walmart to pick up a few supplies I missed at home and found someone in line who is from Haiti. He give some awesome tips about how to navigate areas, and that little bit of french I kind of payed attention to, will be very useful.

I seem to have found a way to unlock my world phone, but it might not take effect until Mon. Im hearing of some reports of NGO(non-governmental organization) relief teams "overstocking" areas....while you might think that's impossible giving the massive amount of people needing help... the last thing these people care about are 10,000 rolls of toilet paper in one tiny community.

Ive checked the weather for the next couple of days and Im a little concerned about the weather thats coming up soon. Thundershowers... concern for the people there, and concern for communications....electronic hate water, and the weather does tend to suppress radio signals.

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