
Friday, February 12, 2010

New video

Sorry for the lack of posts. Ive been readjusting to work and everything else. This weekend i have a bunch of video blogs Ill be posting for just about each day I was there. Ive gotten some awesome feedback from those who have seen them, and been highly encouraged to share them with everyone. I may have one or two up tonight. Ignore the fact that in the first couple of videos I'm at a loss for words. Also I should mentioned I have been asked by a few groups to go back and assist again soon, and I think I will. Maybe this time with a little more planning I can get more support from a larger area. I thank everyone who has helped so far. First video blog is up under day one at the bottom of the page.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

New set of rules

From this point on you will have to go backwards in reading my posts. Im back dating the blogs from what I have stored. Also I need to figure out the picture section so you will be able to see the pictures.....too many to include in the posts. I continue to work on this as Im stuck in the DR airport today and FLL airport tonight.

I had about a bag left of supplies and I dropped those off to a hospital that is still accepting patients who need critical care from the the city. At some point officials and the UN will be dragging people out of the city, and depositing them into staging areas where they will later be implanted into a "new Port-Au-Prince" Its pretty erie to see now, but I still dont understand why millions still choose to stay inside the city.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Minimal post

With minimal bandwidth using satillite data modem, I cant post all of the pictures, videos and text I wish to. Im in a compound inside of Citie de Soleil with a few UN international police officers, and Ill be in the Dominican Republic by tomorrow and hopefully by then I can do a full update. Over 360 pictures, 30min of video and some rediculous stories. Civil unrest is growing each day and still 100s of thousands have not been fed or seen by doctors. I worked with 11 different organizations and 6 different countries. Im tired, hungry, I need a shower, I dont remember what color my socks used to be, I need a shave, and Im craving meat. Did I mention a beer? Ive accomplished alot, and gained some serious experience. For those of you who have memebers in the armed forces,... the affected areas look liked post iraq..... some military officers I worked with say it might be worse.

Powerbars and gallon jugs of water have been my best friends as well as multi vitamins....and the body armor. 90+ degree weather and the sun are brutal. Ill be backdating my posts and I will be on tomorrow. So check back throughout the day.

Missing the US, beef, beer, and shower....warm shower and toilets.


P.s. and deordorant.